Stone Mountain Adventures

Quick Information
  • Ages: 12-16
  • Gender: Coed
  • Session Length (weeks): 1, 2, 4, 6, 8

Stone Mountain Adventures in Huntingdon receives hundreds of teenagers each season. The property sits among mountains, rivers, and lakes that central Pennsylvania is famous for.

Choose between one-, two-, four-, six-, or even eight-week sessions throughout the summer. The small sleepaway camp atmosphere at Stone Mountain Adventures gives kids a chance to make new friends and feel like they're part of a community.

This occurs through the generous activity periods on the daily calendar. Kids get to fill their days doing what they enjoy most from a list that includes traditional camp favorites.

Campers will have the opportunity to give back to the local community with days of service. This is a great chance for kids to help others and feel good about themselves in the process. It's a great place for kids to build friendships and make memories.