Richmond Debate Institute


Richmond, VA





Session Lengths:

1 weeks

About Richmond Debate Institute

Since 2018, RDI has hosted annual 1-week camps for students ages 10+. This year, students can join their 7-day residential Scholars camp held at VCU's Monroe Park Campus. RDI Scholars will follow a daily schedule of classes, team meals, afternoon study, and team socials.

Debate is a skill everyone should practice since it can play an important role in daily life. Their summer camp engages students in thought-provoking debates related to history, governance, and international affairs. RDI's resident instructors guide students through a complete Monday to Friday full-day camp, and reserve the weekend for morning exercise at Monroe Park, art tours at the Institute of Contemporary Art, team movie screenings, and more.

You can give your child the tools to speak with conviction and civility by signing them up for the RDI's debate camp.

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