Pok-O-MacCready Camps


Willsboro, NY





Session Lengths:

2, 3, 4 weeks

About Pok-O-MacCready Camps

Pok-O-MaCready summer camp is one of the oldest running camps in the state, as it was first founded in 1905. You can sign up children for their 2-, 3-, and 4-week options. They also have a day camp that lasts 3 weeks for local residents. The sleepaway camp features a lake and is surrounded by immense and breathtaking acres of wilderness in the Adirondack mountains.

Pok-O-MacCready combines the importance of developing strong friendships and taking pride in personal growth. Campers work together to understand the values of teamwork and leadership while creating personal skills that bring value to their lives outside of camp. It features activities like horseback riding, ceramics, hiking, soccer, sailing, and more.

Apart from camps, they also offer outdoor education classes for schools.

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